
CAPA Americas Aviation Summit, Las Vegas: A high level Gulf-US airline debate - video

Press Release

At CAPA's Americas Aviation Summit held in Las Vegas 27/28 Apr-2015, a distinguished panel, moderated by Mr Kenneth P. Quinn, Senior Aviation partner of Pillsbury Law, discussed at great length the pressing issues around the "White Paper" submitted by three major US airlines to the US government.

The White Paper, promoted by Delta, American and United Airlines, alleges a wide range of subsidy payments have been made to the Gulf airlines by their respective governments, thus breaching the terms of the open skies bilateral agreements between the US and the UAE and Qatar.

This initial report contains a full repeat of the discussions. Those taking part were:

  • American Airlines, Senior VP Government Affairs, Will Ris
  • Americans for Fair Skies, President, Lee Moak
  • Delta Air Lines, Executive VP & Chief Legal Officer, Ben Hirst
  • Etihad, General Counsel & Company Secretary, Jim Callaghan
  • FedEx Express, Senior VP & General Counsel, Rush O'Keefe
  • US Travel Association, President & CEO, Roger Dow
  • WTTC, President & CEO, David Scowsill

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