
Airport investment, politics, airline relations: CAPA Airport Leaders Forum, Dubai, 16/17 May


Airport investment, the global geopolitical environment, airline inflight retailing and how it will affect airport retail, what do airlines want from airports, designing an aerotropolis, all of these are in the mix as the airline world rapidly changes.

Two big issues are how the policies of US President Donald Trump and the British decision to leave the European Union will affect the aviation world generally. These are already having a global impact - as already demonstrated by President Trump's twice attempted immigrant ban and the restrictions on the carrying of laptop computers in airline cabins.

These issues will come under the spotlight at the CAPA Global Airport Leaders Forum, to be held on 16/17- May-2017 in Dubai, as an adjunct to the Dubai Airport Show 2017 (http://www.theairportshow.com/). The Airport Show is the leading B2B platform for companies to showcase airport and aviation related products and services, and is expected to attract over 300 companies and 7,500 professionals this year.

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