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6-Jul-2020 9:10 AM

Schoenefeld Airport seeing strong traffic recovery into Jul-2020: CAPA

CAPA - Centre for Aviation, in a report entitled: 'Successful European low cost airports: dealing with the pandemic', stated (05-Jul-2020) Berlin Schoenefeld Airport has lost more traffic than most of its European peers: A decrease of 60.7% year-on-year in the period Jan-2020 to May-2020. From a peak of 226,000 seats in the week commencing 09-Mar-2020, the airport plummeted to a low of 19,000 a month later as airlines such as easyJet and Ryanair suspended operations. The recent recovery has been strong though, with almost 69,000 seats scheduled for the week commencing 29-Jun-2020 and a further 18,000 added in 06-Jul-2020. [more - CAPA Analysis]

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