3-Oct-2023 12:11 PM

Aeromexico to launch 17 US services in 2024 under JCA with Delta Air Lines

Aeromexico announced (02-Oct-2023) plans to gradually launch the following routes in 2024 under its joint cooperation agreement (JCA) with Delta Air Lines:

The JCA will offer over 90 daily US-Mexico frequencies on almost 60 routes in 2024, increasing US-Mexico seat capacity by over 30% year-on-year. As previously reported by CAPA, the US FAA reinstated Mexico's International Aviation Safety Assessment Category 1 rating in mid Sep-2023, allowing Mexican carriers to add new routes and services to the US and enabling US carriers to market and codeshare on Mexican-operated flights. [more - original PR - Aeromexico] [more - original PR - Delta]

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