
Qantas & American Airlines

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On 19 October 2020 Qantas Airways Limited (Qantas) and American Airlines Inc (American Airlines) and their related bodies corporate (the Applicants) applied for revocation of authorisations A91502 and A91503 and substitution for a new authorisation (i.e. re-authorisation) of similar conduct, administered through a Restated Joint Business Agreement for a further five years.

Re-authorisation would permit Qantas and American Airlines to continue their alliance and coordinate operations between Australia/New Zealand and the United States, Canada and Mexico under the Restated Joint Business Agreement beyond 18 March 2021, when authorisations A91502 and A91503 are due to expire.

Under the Restated Joint Business Agreement, the airlines propose to continue to coordinate their operations on the trans-Pacific, including coordination in respect of marketing and sales, freight, pricing, scheduling, distribution strategies including agency arrangements, yield and inventory management, frequent flyer programs, lounges, joint procurement and product and service standards. A copy of the application is available below.

The Applicants also requested interim authorisation.

On 26 February 2021, the ACCC issued a draft determination proposing to re-authorise the alliance for a further five years. The ACCC also granted interim authorisation for the alliance to continue while the ACCC assesses the application for re-authorisation.

On 25 March 2021, the ACCC granted re-authorisation to Qantas and American Airlines for five years.

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This press release was sourced from Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) on 25-Mar-2021.