
India Air Traffic Management. Unique CAPA report: the ATM system and AAI's plans for integration

Press Release

The most comprehensive (170 page) report ever produced on India's ATM system reviews the structure, governance and operation of Air Navigation Services in India. The global vision and plans set down by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) for the global Air Traffic Management system are also described and considered in their context for India's air navigation services provider (ANSP), the Airports Authority of India (AAI).

India is the ninth largest aviation market in the world by annual seat capacity and CAPA projects it will be the third largest aviation market in the world by 2025. Today, approximately 80 Indian airports handle scheduled services, operated by nine domestic airlines, with a combined fleet of some 400 aircraft.

Advances in ATM procedures and technology are enabling greater growth. Much of this is down to the AAI, which has a dual role, as both the air navigation services provider and as the operator of 125 airports across India. A major institutional change in structure is planned, with the possible corporatisation of the ANS division of the AAI before the end of FY2016.

More than 70 foreign passenger and cargo airline operators also serve Indian airports. In FY2015, total passenger traffic at Indian airports surpassed 190 million.

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