Jettime A/S receives AOC with the aim of restarting charter ops in summer 2021
Jet Time announced (21-Jul-2020) it has registered a company under the name 'Jettime A/S', which has subsequently received an AOC. The company hopes to establish a business case to operate eight to 10 passenger aircraft in 2021 or no later than 2022, welcoming charter customers and incorporating a large number of employees from the former Jet Time business, which filed for bankruptcy on 21-Jul-2020. Jet Time owner and private investor Lars Thuesen commented: "I am convinced that post-coronavirus has room for a strong, independent and profitable Danish charter airline that can serve Nordic charter customers". He noted however that the charter market is not expected to return to a profitable level until summer 2021 at the earliest. [more - original PR - Danish] [more - original PR - II - Danish]