1-Feb-2017 8:22 AM

JAL Group operating profit decline 10% in Q3FY2016, maintains full year outlook

JAL Group revenue down 4% - financial highlights for three months ended 31-Dec-2016::

  • Operating revenue: JPY323.5 billion (USD2.9 billion), -3.6% year-on-year;
    • Air transportation: JPY291.5 billion (USD2.6 billion), -3.8%;
  • Operating costs: JPY278.6 billion (USD2.5 billion), -2.4%;
    • Labour: JPY68.5 billion (USD611.8 million), +6.7%;
    • Fuel: JPY48.7 billion (USD435.0 million), -16.1%;
  • Operating profit: JPY44.8 billion (USD400.2 million), -10.3%;
    • Air transportation: JPY40.2 billion (USD359.1 million), -12.7%;
  • Net profit: JPY36.8 billion (USD328.7 million), -8.5%;
  • Passengers:
    • Domestic: 8.5 million, +2.4%;
    • International: 2.1 million, -0.3%;
  • Passenger load factor:
    • Domestic: 71.9%, +1.5 ppt;
    • International: 79.5%, +0.5 ppt;
  • Passenger yield:
    • Domestic: JPY20.0 (USD 17.9 cents), -1.6%;
    • International: JPY10.0 (USD 8.9 cents), -8.7%;
  • Total assets: JPY1625 billion (USD14.5 billion);
  • Cash and deposits: JPY372.6 billion (USD3.3 billion);
  • Total liabilities: JPY671.9 billion (USD6.0 billion);
  • FY2016 Forecast:

*Based on the average conversion rate at JPY1 = USD0.008932 for three months ended Dec-2016
*Based on the average conversion rate at JPY1 = USD0.0094 for nine months ended Dec-2016

JAL Group: "During the nine months of consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, the Japanese economy showed weakness, however personal spending was stable in general. In overseas economies, weakness was observed in Asia's emerging markets, resource-rich markets and China markets... Meanwhile, the Japanese yen grew stronger against the US dollar, but started to depreciate from December after the Federal Open Market Committee of the US Federal Reserve Board decided to raise its benchmark interest rate." Source: Company statement, 31-Jan-2017.

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