16-Sep-2024 2:46 PM

Angkasa Pura I and Angkasa Pura II merge to become InJourney Airports

Indonesia's State-Owned Enterprise Minister Erick Thohir, via his official Facebook account, announced (10-Sep-2024) Angkasa Pura I and Angkasa Pura II officially merged into a single entity, InJourney Airports. Mr Thohir said the combined entity will be the "fifth largest airport operator in the world", managing 37 airports in Indonesia. Mr Thohir said: "We will enhance our business model to drive growth in both aviation and non-aviation revenue, as demonstrated by current successful practices" (Aviation Week, 12-Sep-2024). InJourney Airports president director Faik Fahmi said the group aims to increase passenger volume from 149.9 million in 2023 to 170 million in 2024. Out of the two companies, Angkasa Pura II handled the majority of travellers in 2023 with 80.1 million.

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