
Million dollar boost for Kimberley tourism

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Million dollar boost for Kimberley tourism

$1 million program launched to encourage more visitors to travel to the Kimberley over upcoming tourism season
Visitors can book half-price tours and experiences in the region through the Broome and Kununurra Visitor Centres
Part of the $6 million Tourism Flood Recovery Package
Kimberley tourism operators will receive $1 million in additional bookings as part of the McGowan Government's 50 per cent off tours and experiences program to support businesses affected by flooding.

The McGowan Government has committed $500,000 to back a 50 per cent off incentive program booked through the Broome and Kununurra Visitor Centres.

Visitors can book their half-price tours and experiences in Broome, Derby and Kununurra from today, 15 March.

The discounted tours and experiences are valid for travel through to 30 September 2023 and will remain on offer until 30 June or until funding is exhausted.

The incentive program is part of the McGowan Government's $6 million Tourism Flood Recovery Package being delivered by Tourism WA to help tourism operators in the Kimberley who were affected by flooding in January.

The package also includes 19,000 discounted airfares from Perth to Broome and Perth to Kununurra, a national marketing campaign to share the message that the region is open for tourism, and support for impacted overland and multi-day tourism operators.

Read more about the program at: https://www.westernaustralia.com/au/pages/experience-the-kimberley-in-2023

Comments attributed to Tourism Minister Roger Cook:

"The WA Government is proud to further support tourism operators in the Kimberley with the newly launched $500,000 incentive program.

"We know the tourism industry in the region has been deeply impacted and we are committed to supporting businesses in making the most of the upcoming 2023 peak tourism season.

"I encourage all travellers heading to the Kimberley in the coming months to take advantage of the voucher program and book one of the great value half-price tours or experiences on sale now."

Hon Roger Cook BA GradDipBus MBA MLA

Deputy Premier; Minister for State Development, Jobs and Trade; Hydrogen Industry; Tourism; Science

This press release was sourced from WA Government on 14-Mar-2023.