Interim decision for Swedavia’s airport charges 2017
29-Mar-2017 Swedavia's price list from 2016 is valid until further notice.Swedavia's price list from 2016 is valid until further noticeSwedavia' price decision for 2017 (see news article from 11 January 2017) has been appealed to the Swedish Transport Agency (STA) and cannot be implemented as planned as of 1 April 2017. Swedavia's price list from 2016 is valid until further notice, with the exception of the Slot Coordination Charge (see below).
The intention of Swedavia is to proceed with the planned reduction of charges 2017 with 1 % in accordance with the price decision for 2017. Possible adjustments resulting from STA's decision will be included.
Decision on charges for ground handling infrastructure, terminal navigation, and assistance service (PRM)
The charges for ground handling infrastructure, terminal navigation and PRM are not part of STA's review. However, Swedavia has decided to wait with these adjustments, which would have resulted in a charge increase of 3 %, until STA has made their decision. The reason is to keep Swedavia's price decision 2017, which was made for all charges and airports, coherent.
Decision on charge for slot coordination
Since 2016, Swedavia has levied a slot coordination charge for Stockholm Arlanda Airport (Stockholm Arlanda) and Bromma Stockholm Airport (Bromma Stockholm).
As of 1 April 2017 all flight movements at Bromma Stockholm are charged (previously only commercial flights), and also Göteborg Landvetter Airport (Göteborg Landvetter) is becoming a slot coordinated airport. The charge is levied by Swedavia and consists of two equal parts; 1) Airport Coordination Sweden's (ACS) share covers the airlines share of the cost for slot coordination, and 2) Swedavia's share of the cost. Until STA has made their decision, ACS' share for 2017 is adjusted while Swedavia's share remains on the 2016 level.
The slot coordination charge, per movement, is as of 1 April 2017
Stockholm Arlanda
14,90 SEK (7 SEK ACS + 7,90 Swedavia)
Bromma Stockholm - Scheduled or chartered flights
14,90 SEK (7 SEK ACS + 7,90 Swedavia)
Bromma Stockholm - GA, taxi, school, military, aerial work
7,0 SEK (7 SEK ACS)
Göteborg Landvetter
7,0 SEK (7 SEK ACS)
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