
Cathay Pacific Group Releases Combined Traffic Figures For August 2018

Direct News Source

Cathay Pacific Group today released combined Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon traffic figures for August 2018 that show an increase in both the number of passengers carried and cargo and mail uplifted compared to the same month in 2017.

Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon carried a total of 3,278,481 passengers last month, an increase of 6.4% compared to August 2017. The passenger load factor increased 0.8 percentage points to 87.1%, while capacity, measured in available seat kilometres (ASKs), increased by 4.9%. In the first eight months of 2018, the number of passenger carried grew by 2.4% while capacity increased by 3.3%.

The two airlines carried 187,644 tonnes of cargo and mail last month, an increase of 8.9% compared to the same month last year. The cargo and mail load factor rose by 2.9 percentage points to 68.4%. Capacity, measured in available freight tonne kilometres (AFTKs), was increased by 2.8% while cargo and mail revenue freight tonne kilometres (RFTKs) increased by 7.4%. In the first eight months of 2018, the tonnage rose by 7.1% against a 3.3% increase in capacity and a 6.6% increase in RFTKs.

Cathay Pacific Director Commercial and Cargo Ronald Lam said: "Traffic volume in August outgrew capacity increases, with the recent strong demand for our premium cabins continuing throughout the month. We also witnessed yield growth in the backend thanks in part to a better traffic mix.

"Our cargo business also continued its good momentum in August. Tonnage grew ahead of capacity, which was driven by strong transshipment volumes across our network. We saw good growth among the pharmaceutical and perishable segments.

"However, the favourable currency trend that we have enjoyed so far this year is reversing rapidly. Besides, our performance in September is set to be negatively impacted by the significant typhoons that disrupted our operations in both Japan and Hong Kong, especially our cargo business which is in its seasonal peak. We are also closely monitoring external factors that have the potential to impact global trade."

國泰集團公布 2018 年 8 月份客、貨運量數據

國泰航空集團今天公布國泰航空與國泰港龍航空於 2018 年 8 月份合併結 算的客、貨運量。數據顯示, 8 月份的載客量 和貨物及郵件運載量均 較 2017 年同期有所增長。

兩航空公司在 8 月份合共載客三百二十七萬八千四百八十一人次,較 2017 年 8 月上升 6.4%,乘客運載率上升 0.8 個百分點至 87.1%,以可用座位 千米數計算的運力則上升 4.9%。今年首八個月的載客量上升 2.4%,而運 力則增加 3.3%。

兩航空公司上月運載的貨物及郵件合共十八萬七千六百四十四公噸,較去 年同期增加 8.9%,而運載率上升 2.9 個百分點至 68.4%。以可用貨運噸 千米數計算的運力上升 2.8%,而貨物及郵件收入噸千米數升幅為 7.4%。 今年首八個月的載貨量上升 7.1%,運力增加 3.3%,而貨物及郵件收入噸 千米數亦上升 6.6 %。

國泰航空商務及貨運董事林紹波表示:「八月份客運量增長超逾運力增 長,而前艙需求亦持續強勁。受惠於更多直航乘客等因素,經濟艙收益率 亦有所增長。

「貨運業務於八月份保持增長動力。整體航線網絡錄得強勁的轉口貨運 量,推動載貨量增長超越運力,其中藥物及鮮貨均有可觀升幅。

「然而,今年來一直利好的外幣匯率走勢正急速逆轉。另外,日本及香港 先後受颱風吹襲,航班運作嚴重受阻,尤其正值貨運季節高峰期,勢必影 響九月份業務表現。我們會繼續密切留意外圍因素可能對全球貿易造成的 影響。」

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This press release was sourced from Cathay Pacific on 18-Sep-2018.