
Belgrade and Air Serbia host the CAPA 2024 World Aviation Summit

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Belgrade and Air Serbia host the CAPA 2024 World Aviation Summit

The key global event in the field of aviation, the CAPA Airline Leader Summit World & Awards for Excellence, organized annually by the renowned aviation think tank, the Centre for Aviation (CAPA), will take place in Belgrade on 21 and 22 November 2024, while the hosts of the summit will be the City of Belgrade and Air Serbia. The summit will bring together over 250 global leaders from the aviation industry and will be an excellent opportunity for Belgrade to showcase its commitment to enhancing air transport on a global level.

The CAPA Airline Leader Summit World & Awards for Excellence gather CEOs and high-ranking representatives of the most significant global and regional airlines, airports, and other participants in the passenger and cargo air transport, tourism, and conference travel sectors from around 40 countries worldwide. Previous hosts of the CAPA Summit include Sydney, Singapore, Doha, Manchester, and other cities, and in November 2024, Belgrade will have the opportunity to host leaders from the aviation industry.

Alongside the City of Belgrade, the co-host of the CAPA Summit will be the Serbian national airline. Jiri Marek, CEO of Air Serbia, stated on this occasion: "We are very pleased that Belgrade has been recognized as an excellent venue for dialogue among key players in the aviation industry, and it is a great honour for us to host the summit together with the City of Belgrade. During the two days of the summit, significant attention will be devoted to the main trends and essential aspects of the aviation industry in 2024, and we will also examine the results, with expert insights and professional conclusions about the future of aviation. I am confident that all our guests will leave the summit full of impressions of the city, as well as new perspectives in the aviation industry. At the same time, I want to thank the City of Belgrade, which recognized the importance of this type of event, and certainly, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, which provides continuous support to the development of air traffic in Serbia, as one of the key segments of overall economic development."

CAPA - Centre for Aviation, Content & Marketing Director, Marco Navarria said: "The CAPA Airline Leader Summit World is the jewel in the crown of CAPA's global event calendar. We are extremely excited to be bringing this summit to Belgrade to showcase the destination and hospitality of such an incredible country, highlight important themes and topics impacting aviation globally and help bring the industry together."

During the CAPA Summit, awards for excellence will be presented to airlines and airports that have particularly excelled in their operations during 2024 and have proven themselves as leaders and innovators. Awards are planned in the following categories: Airline of the Year, Low-cost Airline of the Year, Regional Airline of the Year, Airline Turnaround of the Year, Start-up Airline of the Year, Large Airport of the Year, Medium Airport of the Year, Regional Airport of the Year, Airline Executive of the Year, and Innovation of the Year.

Grad Beograd i Er Srbija domaćini Svetskog samita o avijaciji CAPA 2024

Ključni globalni događaj u oblasti avio-saobraćaja, Svetski samit o avijaciji CAPA 2024 (CAPA Airline Leader Summit World & Awards for Excellence), koji jednom godišnje organizuje renomirana ekspertska organizacija Centar za avijaciju (CAPA), biće održan u Beogradu 21. i 22. novembra 2024. godine, a domaćini skupa biće Grad Beograd i Er Srbija. Samit će okupiti više od 250 svetskih lidera iz avio-industrije i biće izvanredna prilika da Beograd pokaže svoju posvećenost unapređenju vazdušnog saobraćaja na globalnom nivou.

CAPA Airline Leader Summit World & Awards for Excellence okuplja generalne direktore i visoko pozicionirane predstavnike najvažnijih globalnih i regionalnih avio-kompanija, aerodroma i drugih učesnika u lancu vazdušnog prevoza putnika i robe, turizma i kongresnih putovanja iz oko 40 zemalja širom sveta. Među domaćinima CAPA Samita do sada su bili Sidnej, Singapur, Doha, Mančester i drugi gradovi, a u novembru 2024. godine priliku da ugosti lidere iz avio-industrije imaće Beograd.

Uz Grad Beograd, domaćin CAPA Samita biće i srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija. Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije tim povodom je izjavio: "Veoma nas raduje što je Beograd prepoznat kao odlično mesto za dijalog ključnih aktera avio-industrije i izuzetna čast što ćemo zajedno sa Gradom Beogradom biti domaćini skupa. Tokom dva dana Samita, velika pažnja biće posvećena glavnim trendovima i najvažnijim aspektima avio-industrije u 2024. godini, ali i sagledavanju učinaka, uz stručan uvid i profesionalne zaključke o budućnosti avijacije. Uveren sam da će svi naši gosti otići sa Samita prepuni utisaka o gradu, kao i novim perspektivama u avio-industriji. Istovremeno, želim da se zahvalim Gradu Beogradu koji je prepoznao značaj ove vrste događaja i svakako Vladi Republike Srbije koja pruža kontinuiranu podršku razvoju avio-saobraćaja u Srbiji, kao jednom od ključnih segmenata sveukupnog ekonomskog razvoja".

"Svetski samit o avijaciji CAPA je centralni događaj svih CAPA skupova tokom godine. Izuzetno smo srećni što Samit dovodimo u Beograd da bismo prikazali tu destinaciju i gostoprimstvo jedne izvanredne zemlje. Biće to ujedno prilika da se istaknu teme koje su važne za avijaciju na globalnom nivou i da se čuju glasovi ključnih učesnika u avio-industriji celog sveta", rekao je Marko Navaria, direktor za sadržaje i marketing CAPA Centra za avijaciju.

Tokom CAPA Samita, avio-kompanijama i aerodromima koji su se tokom 2024. godine posebno istakli u poslovanju i dokazali se kao lideri i inovatori, biće dodeljene nagrade za izvrsnost. Predviđene su nagrade u sledećim kategorijama: Avio-kompanija godine, Nisko-tarifna kompanija godine, Regionalna avio-kompanija godine, Avio-preokret godine, Novo-osnovana avio-kompanija godine, Veliki aerodrom godine, Srednji aerodrom godine, Regionalni aerodrom godine, Generalni direktor godine i Inovacija godine.

This press release was sourced from Air Serbia on 29-Nov-2023.