
Restoring airport revenues post COVID-19

Featured Analysis

Airport traffic - and therefore airport revenues - have slumped since the spread of corona virus grounded well over half of the world's airline fleet; as of 12-Jul-2020, nearly 60% remains out of service.

There is little prospect of a full recovery to pre-COVID airport revenue levels for 5-10 years. And, as markets open up, international routes will be last to recover fully. As international operations are the source of the bulk of airport revenue for many airports, clearly new initiatives will be necessary.

At the same time, airports are confronted with continuing costs, mostly long term. Airports will also be obliged to incur added costs as anti-COVID measures are introduced, for example in response to social distancing and sanitising requirements.

Not all will be able to continue in operation unless they can restore revenue streams.

As traditional revenue sources will not suffice to restore economic operations - and to attract investment - innovatory new forms will be needed.

This report looks at the revenue future for airports and how the coming years can be reshaped.

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