India’s second-tier airlines face major challenges: part two – Spicejet and Jet confront challenges
While the Indian airline market offers lots of growth potential, it can also be brutally competitive.
This is particularly true for the smaller independent airlines that are set to be increasingly squeezed by the dominant players IndiGo and the Tata Group stable of airlines.
Go First is arguably in the most vulnerable position, having filed for voluntary bankruptcy protection on 2-May-2023. Meanwhile, Spicejet is confronting its own court challenges by creditors and lessors, as it grapples with its significant debt and liabilities. And long-grounded Jet Airways is facing multiple hurdles as it attempts to relaunch operations under new ownership.
Part one of this analysis focused on Go First's travails, and how the smaller airlines fit in the broader industry landscape.
Part two focuses on Spicejet and Jet Airways.
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