11-Mar-2024 11:40 PM

US Government announces USD21.8bn in FAA funding under FY2025 budget

US Government released (11-Mar-2024) the FY2025 Budget request to Congress, requesting USD21.8 billion for the US FAA. Details include:

  • USD1.8 billion for the Office of Aviation Safety to support production oversight and continued operational safety, boosting the FAA's resources for continuous safety improvement;
  • A new Facility Replacement and Radar Modernisation proposal dedicating USD8 billion towards replacing or modernising ageing air traffic control (ATC) facilities over the next five years, beginning with USD1 billion in 2025. The proposal includes modernising 377 critical radar systems and more than 20 ATC facilities;
  • USD43 million to accelerate the hiring and training of air traffic controllers to meet the FAA's goal of hiring 2000 new controllers in 2025.

US Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg stated: "President Biden's Budget allows us to continue advancing vital work underway across the country - making travel safer on every mode of transportation, strengthening supply chains to keep costs down, and modernizing our infrastructure to serve Americans for generations". [more - original PR - DoT] [more - original PR - FAA]

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