25-Jun-2020 9:37 AM

US GAO: US lacks comprehensive plan for national aviation preparedness

US Government Accountability Office (GAO) released (24-Jun-2020) a report regarding research efforts and actions needed to develop a federal preparedness plan for the spread of communicable diseases through air travel, which found the US still lacks a comprehensive plan for national aviation preparedness. GAO said it previously recommended the US Department of Transportation (DoT) work with stakeholders to develop an aviation preparedness plan for disease outbreaks during the Ebola epidemic in Dec-2015, and noted the existence of such a plan may have reduced some confusion among aviation stakeholders and passengers. While the DoT agrees such a plan is needed, it believes the Departments of Health and Human Services and Homeland Security should have responsibility for communicable response and preparedness planning. GAO continues to believe the DoT is best positioned to take responsibility of this planning due to its oversight responsibilities and ties with the relevant stakeholders. Consequently, GAO found that progress is being made in addressing some previous recommendations, however it noted that continued attention is needed in order to ensure the remainder of these recommendations are addressed. [more - original PR]

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