15-Oct-2020 2:10 PM

South African Government confirms plans to settle all SAA debts and seek strategic equity partner

South Africa's Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) director general Kgathatso Tlhakudi, via the DPE's official Twitter account, stated (13-Oct-2020) the DPE is finalising a new business model for South African Airways (SAA) that will ensure the airline "is run more efficiently than in the past". The new business model will be founded on the appointment of a strategic equity partner and the South African Government is seeking to settle "all debts owed by the old SAA". Mr Tlhakudi stated: "The new airline... will not be allowed to follow the destructive path of its predecessor". He added: "The resuscitation of the South African economy will require air connections and support for airlines to be re-established".

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