14-Jul-2020 5:50 AM

Rolls-Royce reports 'broadly stable' MRO in 1H2020, progress on Trent 1000 issues

Rolls-Royce reported (09-Jul-2020) 1H2020 MRO was "broadly stable" in the year-on-year comparison, but lower than the pre-COVID-19 1H2020 schedule. The company has completed the backlog of overhauls related to the Trent 1000 durability issues and has achieved its target to reduce the number of related aircraft on the ground (AOG) to single digits. In addition, Rolls-Royce reported it is "progressing well" with the type test of the replacement high pressure turbine blade for the Trent 1000 TEN, the final durability issue to be fixed, and remain on track for its incorporation into the fleet by the end of 1H2021. [more - original PR]

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