2-Aug-2017 10:48 AM

Rolls-Royce focusing on improving aftermarket performance, rolls out new MRO products

Rolls-Royce reported (01-Aug-2017) its focus on improving aftermarket performance "continues to be driven across our businesses by customer needs as well as through the broader transformation activities". In the company's Civil Aerospace business, this has resulted in a progressive extension to its engine overhaul services offering framework, including the introduction of new MRO products and further demand for existing MRO products. Rolls-Royce powered aircraft transitions also improved further following the introduction of a dedicated team in 2015. As a result, since the end of 2016, 17 Trent 700 powered A330s and six Trent 800 powered Boeing 777s have found new homes. Since 2016, Rolls-Royce has been undertaking a proactive maintenance programme on the Trent 1000 to address a number of technical issues and has redesigned key elements of the service programme, through various 'lean' improvement initiatives to reduce lead times, thereby getting the engines back into operation quicker. [more - original PR]

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