27-Apr-2016 10:19 AM

IATA outlines sample of its European agenda

IATA DG and CEO Tony Tyler outlined (26-Apr-2016) a "small sampling" of the agenda of the association's European office:

  • Formalising the 80/20 rule in slot regulation. According to Mr Tyler this is one of many developments being held-up by the UK-Spain dispute over Gibraltar;
  • Reforming EU Regulation 261 on passenger rights "so that it has a clear scope, is fair, reflects global principles and delivers real value to passengers". While waiting for this revision, which is also being held up by Gibraltar, "we must make sure that interpretive guidelines do not go beyond their purpose by creating new law", noted Mr Tyler;
  • Ensuring that member states implement the Passenger Name Record directive using global standards for data collection;
  • Establishing safety regulation for drones without reducing the available capacity of airspace;
  • Achieving EU-level guidance on cyber security that member states apply uniformly;
  • Expanding the network of one-stop security airports and promoting the risk-based approach to security;
  • Monitoring member states' implementation of the Package Travel Directive which prescribes that airlines need a "security" to protect passengers against their bankruptcy. IATA considers this "a tricky one" given that it contradicts DG Move's" very sensible determination that regulating airlines' bankruptcy is not necessary, as the number of passengers involved is infinitesimal";
  • Keeping Europe focused on a global approach to managing aviation's environmental impact - including EASA, as its role in environment evolves. [more - original PR]

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