24-Jan-2025 1:24 PM

EUROCONTROL reports state rankings for 2024

EUROCONTROL reported (24-Jan-2025) the following European state rankings for 2024, based on the average number of daily flights:

  • UK: 5488 flights, +4% year-on-year (-6% from 2019);
  • Spain: 4984, +8% (+8% from 2019);
  • Germany: 4711, +4% (-16% from 2019);
  • France: 4086, +2% (-5% from 2019);
  • Italy: 3789, +9% (+6% from 2019);
  • Türkiye: 3140, +4% (+12% from 2019);
  • Netherlands: 1596, +5% (-5% from 2019);
  • Greece: 1483, +8% (+18% from 2019);
  • Switzerland: 1287, +5% (-2% from 2019);
  • Norway: 1283, -1% (-9% from 2019).

The top 10 States in aggregate, recorded 4.8% more flights compared to 2023. Compared to 2023: the ranking remained unchanged except for Switzerland and Norway which have swapped places. With overflights included, France recorded the highest average number of daily flights in 2024 (9408, +6% year-on-year and +2% from 2019), followed by Germany (8339, +4% y-o-y and -10% from 2019) and the UK (6745, +3% y-o-y and -5% from 2019). [more - original PR]

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