3-Jun-2020 12:18 PM
Aeroflot Group identifies key measures for navigating coronavirus impact
Aeroflot Group identified (02-Jun-2020) the following measures to navigate through the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the results to be achieved by each measure:
- Optimisation of key fixed cost lines and capital expenditure: Suspension of non key spending;
- Negotiations with partners and suppliers: Special terms with lessors and ongoing negotiations;
- Restructuring aircraft deliveries: Deliveries moved to later periods;
- Addressing liquidity risks of unearned revenue form ticket refunds: Introduction of vouchers;
- Focus on domestic market and launching new domestic destinations: Launch of new domestic services in summer 2020;
- Operating passenger aircraft for cargo transportation: Positive cargo revenue contribution;
- Decrease number of operations to reduce variable costs: 10% of ASK capacity operated. [more - original PR - English/Russian]