A4E: Abolishing German aviation tax would boost GDP by EUR67bn over next 12 years
Airlines for Europe (A4E) reported (23-Oct-2017) on results of a study it commissioned from PwC on the economic impact of abolishing the German aviation tax. A4E stated abolishing tax in Germany would boost German GDP by EUR67 billion (cumulative) over the next 12 years. It would grow from an additional EUR3.7 billion in 2018 to EUR6.9 billion p/a by 2030, with a total of 26,000 new jobs created by 2030. Passengers arriving to Germany would increase tourism expenditure by around EUR1.58 billion by 2020. The report also estimated total air passenger taxes will increase by EUR1 billion in Germany in 2017. A4E MD Thomas Reynaert emphasised: "The study demonstrates the impact of passenger taxes, which hinder economic growth and tourism. Countries which have scrapped them have seen a boom in air traffic which has benefitted their economies". [more - original PR]