13-Mar-2020 8:42 AM

A4A praises US-Europe travel restrictions, but warns of 'extremely hard' consequences

Airlines for America (A4A) president and CEO Nicholas E Calio commended (11-Mar-2020) US President Donald Trump "for continuing to take decisive action to protect the health and well-being of the American people". As previously reported by CAPA, Mr Trump announced the suspension of entry into the US of all foreign travellers who were physically present in the Schengen Area during the 14 days prior to their intended entry into the US, due to the potential for transmission of coronavirus. Mr Calio warned this action "will hit US airlines, their employees, travellers and the shipping public extremely hard", but noted A4A "respect the need to take this unprecedented action and appreciate the Administration's commitment to facilitate travel and trade". [more - original PR]

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