
Xiamen Airlines takes delivery of its first Boeing 737 MAX, expanding the fleet to 200 airplanes

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On May 22 local time, Xiamen Airlines took delivery of its first Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in Seattle, expanding the fleet to 200 aircraft, and, by doing so, formally entering the pantheon of the world's largest airlines.

The 737 MAX is the best-selling civil aircraft in the history of Boeing, featuring excellent performance, flexibility and efficiency. The 737 MAX can offer passengers a more capacious and comfortable flying experience. Equipped with several of the latest technologies, including the winglet and a brand new engine, the aircraft outperforms the previous-generation model in flying performance, environmental protection and reliability.

With the addition of the aircraft, Xiamen Airlines passes a key milestone, with the size of the fleet now at 200 airplanes. The airline passed the first milestone of 100 planes in 2013, and continued to grow by adding roughly 20 aircraft per year and doubling the size of the fleet within five years. During the period, the airline's operating profits also increased year by year, booking gross profits exceeding 10 billion yuan (approx. US$1.5 billion). The airline has been profitable for 31 consecutive years, reflecting the rapid growth in China's civil aviation industry.

Che Shanglun, chairman of Xiamen Airlines, revealed that the airline's rapid growth was mainly attributable to the economic stimulus that resulted from China's reform and opening up and the constant improvement in the living standard across China, which, in turn, led to the massive boost in the demand for air travel. Over the past five years, the US, Europe and China recorded an average annual growth rate of roughly 4 percent, 6 percent and 10 percent in civil aviation passenger volume, respectively, while Xiamen Airlines experienced an average growth rate of 15 percent.

After expanding the fleet to 100 airplanes in 2013, Xiamen Airlines accelerated the move into international markets. The airline bought the first Boeing 787 Dreamliner in August 2014 and launched the first intercontinental flight, between Xiamen and Amsterdam, in July 2015. Over the following two years, the airline launched 10 intercontinental flights to cities across Europe, North America and Oceania, including Los Angeles, Melbourne, New York, Seattle, Sydney and Vancouver. All the intercontinental flights are now serviced by Boeing 787 aircraft.

厦航接收首架B737MAX 机队规模增至200架


厦航董事长车尚轮与波音民用飞机集团总裁兼首席执行官Kevin McAllister共同签署飞机交付协议。这架新飞机是厦航运营的首架737MAX飞机,注册号为B-1288。作为波音历史上最畅销的民用飞机,737MAX具备出众的性能、灵活性和效率,拥有更低的每座成本和更远的航程,可以为旅客提供更加宽敞舒适的乘坐体验,特别是翼梢小翼和全新发动机等多项最新技术,在飞行性能、环保表现、可靠性等方面实现了对上一代机型的全面超越。



波音东北亚区销售副总裁Rick Anderson表示,"四年半以前,我们交付给厦门航空第100架飞机,今天,我们在这里共同庆祝厦门航空接收第一架737 MAX暨第200架飞机。我们为厦门航空的蓬勃发展感到骄傲,也为厦航与波音三十余年的伙伴关系感到骄傲。"

在交付仪式上,Kevin McAllister总裁向车尚轮董事长赠送了波音727舷舱的窗框,上面印有此前两人在厦门的合影。Kevin McAllister总裁表示,厦航是波音在全球最重要的合作伙伴之一,近几年取得的发展成就令人印象深刻,在机队规模和航线网络迅速拓展的同时,保持了优异的经营业绩,希望双方能够继续深化合作。




This press release was sourced from Xiamen Airlines on 23-May-2018.