
Volaris Reports Record First Quarter 2016 Results: 42% Adjusted EBITDAR Margin

Direct News Source

25-Apr-2016 Volaris* (NYSE:VLRS and BMV:VOLAR), the ultra-low-cost airline serving Mexico, the United States and Central America, today announced its financial results for the first quarter 2016.

The following financial information, unless otherwise indicated, is presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

First Quarter 2016 Highlights

  • Total operating revenues were Ps.5,182 million for the first quarter, an increase of 37.5% year over year.
  • Non-ticket revenues were Ps.1,276 million for the first quarter, an increase of 50.8% year over year. Non-ticket revenues per passenger for the first quarter was Ps.372, increasing 10.4% year over year.
  • Total operating revenues per available seat mile (TRASM) rose to Ps.133.2 cents for the first quarter, an increase of 7.5% year over year.
  • Operating expenses per available seat mile (CASM) were Ps.111.7 cents for the first quarter, a decrease of 0.7% year over year.
  • Adjusted EBITDAR was Ps.2,175 million for the first quarter, an increase of 80.6% year over year. Adjusted EBITDAR margin was 42.0% for the first quarter, a margin expansion of 10.0 percentage points.
  • Operating income was Ps.836 million for the first quarter, with an operating margin of 16.1%, equal to a year over year operating margin improvement of 6.9 percentage points.
  • Net income was Ps.602 million (Ps.0.59 per share / US$0.34 per ADS) for the first quarter, with a net margin of 11.6%.
  • Net increase of cash and cash equivalents was Ps.1,209 million for the first quarter. Unrestricted cash and cash equivalents was Ps.6,366 million.

Volaris´ CEO Enrique Beltranena commented: "The strong passenger demand environment in the first quarter of 2016, supported by seasonality, continued fueling Volaris' financial results and achieving record first quarter margins. Our low base fares and bus switching campaign strategy continue to be the cornerstone of our unbundled business model to stimulate demand for both domestic and international travel in Mexico and the United States."

Macroeconomic Environment Supports Traffic Volume Growth; Still Exchange Rate Volatile

  • Air traffic volume increase: The Mexican DGAC reported an overall passenger volume growth for Mexican carriers of 15.0% year over year in January and February. Domestic passenger volume increased 13.2%, while international passenger volume increased 21.9%.
  • Exchange rate volatility: The Mexican peso depreciated 21% year over year against the US dollar, from an average of Ps.14.93 pesos per US dollar in the first quarter 2015 to Ps.18.02 pesos per US dollar during the first quarter 2016.
  • Lower fuel prices: The average economic fuel cost per gallon decreased 25.6% to Ps.22.1 per gallon (US$1.3) in the first quarter 2016, year over year.

Unit Revenues Improvements Driven by a Strong Demand and Seasonality, with Non-Ticket Revenue Expansion

  • Passenger traffic stimulation: Volaris booked 3.4 million passengers in the first quarter of 2016, a 36.6% year over year growth. Volaris traffic (measured in terms of revenue passenger miles, or RPMs) increased 35.8% for the same period.
  • Unit revenues improvement and demand driven capacity growth: For the first quarter of 2016, TRASM increased 7.5%, while yield decreased 1.6%, year over year. During the first quarter, in terms of ASMs, domestic capacity grew 28.4%, while international capacity increased 26.7% responding to a seasonally strong demand in both markets.
  • Non-ticket revenues growth: Non-ticket revenues per passenger increased 10.4% year over year for the first quarter of 2016, as the Company continued implementing dynamic pricing strategies and increasing car rental and hotel content.
  • New routes: In the first quarter 2016, Volaris launched four new domestic routes.

Fuel Savings Offset Exchange Rate Pressures

In the first quarter 2016, Volaris continued to experience pressure in US-dollar denominated costs, such as aircraft rents, international airport costs, and maintenance expenses due to the depreciation of the Mexican peso. Despite these challenges, the CASM for the first quarter was Ps.111.7 cents, a 0.7% decrease compared to the first quarter 2015, mainly driven by lower fuel prices.

Young and Fuel Efficient Fleet

As of March 31, 2016, Volaris fleet was comprised of 59 aircraft (18 A319s, 39 A320s and 2 A321s), with an average age of 4.6 years.

Strong Cash Flow Generation, Solid Balance Sheet and Good Liquidity

The net increase in cash and cash equivalents was equal to Ps.1,209 million during the first quarter, mainly driven by generation of operating cash flow of Ps.1,329 million. As of March 31, 2016, Volaris' unrestricted cash and cash equivalents balance was Ps.6,366 million. Volaris registered negative net debt (or a positive net cash position) of Ps.5,265 million and total equity of Ps.7,484 million.

During the first quarter 2016, Volaris obtained positive cash flow from investing activities of Ps.435 million, which included reimbursements of aircraft pre-delivery payments of Ps.446 million and net acquisition of rotable spare parts, furniture and equipment and intangibles assets for Ps.11 million.

Active in Fuel Risk Management

Volaris has continued to remain active in its fuel risk management program. Volaris hedged 55% of its first quarter fuel consumption of 2016, at an average strike price of US $1.94 per gallon, which combined with the 45% unhedged consumption, resulted in a blended average economic fuel cost of US$1.27 per gallon.

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Financial and Operating Indicators


(In Mexican pesos, except otherwise indicated)

Three months
ended March 31,

(US Dollars)*

Three months
ended March
31, 2016

Three months
ended March
31, 2015



Total operating revenues (millions) 298 5,182 3,768 37.5%

Total operating expenses (millions)

250 4,346 3,422 27.0%
EBIT (millions) 48 836 346 >100%
EBIT margin 16.1% 16.1% 9.2% 6.9 pp
Adjusted EBITDA (millions) 55 956 449 >100%
Adjusted EBITDA margin 18.4% 18.4% 11.9% 6.5 pp
Adjusted EBITDAR (millions) 125 2,175 1,204 80.6%
Adjusted EBITDAR margin 42.0% 42.0% 32.0% 10.0 pp
Net income (millions) 35 602 306 96.4%
Net income margin 11.6% 11.6% 8.1% 3.5 pp

Earnings per share:

Basic (pesos) 0.03 0.59 0.30 96.4%
Diluted (pesos) 0.03 0.59 0.30 96.4%
Earnings per ADS:
Basic (pesos) 0.34 5.95 3.03 96.4%
Diluted (pesos) 0.34 5.95 3.03 96.4%
Weighted average shares outstanding:
Basic - 1,011,876,677 1,011,876,677 0.0%
Diluted - 1,011,876,677 1,011,876,677 0.0%
Available seat miles (ASMs) (millions)(1) - 3,892 3,043 27.9%
Domestic - 2,730 2,126 28.4%
International - 1,162 917 26.7%
Revenues passenger miles (RPMs) (millions)(1) - 3,306 2,435 35.8%
Domestic - 2,317 1,719 34.8%
International - 989 716 38.2%
Load factor(2) - 85.0% 80.0% 5.0 pp
Domestic - 84.9% 80.9% 4.0 pp
International - 85.1% 78.0% 7.1 pp
Total operating revenues per ASM (TRASM) (cents)(1) 7.7 133.2 123.8 7.5%
Passenger revenues per ASM (RASM) (cents)(1) 5.8 100.4 96.0 4.5%
Passenger revenues per RPM (Yield) (cents)(1) 6.8 118.1 120.0 (1.6%)
Average fare(2) 65.6 1,141 1,165 (2.0%)
Non-ticket revenues per passenger (1) 21.4 372 337 10.4%
Operating expenses per ASM (CASM) (cents)(1) 6.4 111.7 112.5 (0.7%)
Operating expenses per ASM (CASM) (US cents)(1) - 6.4 7.4** (13.5%)
CASM ex fuel (cents)(1) 4.9 85.6 77.9 9.9%
CASM ex fuel (US cents)(1) - 4.9 5.1** (4.3%)
Booked passengers (thousands)(1) - 3,430 2,511 36.6%
Departures(1) - 24,061 19,313 24.6%
Block hours(1) - 64,868 50,695 28.0%
Fuel gallons consumed (millions) - 45.8 35.4 29.6%
Average economic fuel cost per gallon 1.3 22.1 29.7 (25.6%)
Aircraft at end of period - 59 51 15.7%
Average aircraft utilization (block hours) - 13.1 12.1 8.4%
Average exchange rate - 18.02 14.93 20.7%
*Peso amounts were converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of Ps.17.4015 for convenience purposes only
**Peso amounts were converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of Ps.15.1542 for convenience purposes only
(1) Includes schedule + charter (2) Includes schedule

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Operations


(In millions of Mexican pesos)

Three months
ended March 31,

(US Dollars)*

Three months
ended March
31, 2016

Three months
ended March
31, 2015



Operating revenues:
Passenger 224 3,906 2,922 33.7%
Non-ticket 73 1,276 846 50.8%
298 5,182 3,768 37.5%
Other operating income (11) (195) (23) >100%
Fuel 58 1,013 1,051 (3.6%)
Aircraft and engine rent expense 70 1,219 755 61.5%
Landing, take-off and navigation expenses 45 791 574 37.8%
Salaries and benefits 32 564 424 33.0%
Sales, marketing and distribution expenses 17 295 216 36.9%
Maintenance expenses 20 340 181 87.5%
Other operating expenses 11 200 142 40.9%
Depreciation and amortization 7 120 103 16.2%
Operating expenses 250 4,346 3,422 27.0%
Operating income 48 836 346 >100%
Finance income 2 34 9 >100%
Finance cost - (7) (4) 67.3%
Exchange gain, net 1 9 86 (89.1%)
Comprehensive financing result 2 37 91 (59.9%)
Income before income tax 50 872 437 99.4%
Income tax expense (16) (270) (131) >100%
Net income 35 602 306 96.4%
Attribution of net income:
Equity holders of the parent 35 602 306 96.4%
Non-controlling interest - - - -
Net income 35 602 306 96.4%
*Peso amounts were converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of Ps.17.4015 for convenience purposes only.

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

(In millions of Mexican pesos)

March 31, 2016
(US Dollars)*

March 31, 2016

December 31,
2015 Audited


Cash and cash equivalents 366 6,366 5,157
Accounts receivable 34 594 464
Inventories 10 171 163
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 29 496 585
Financial instruments 2 39 10
Guarantee deposits 60 1,052 861
Total current assets 501 8,718 7,241
Rotable spare parts, furniture and equipment, net 126 2,187 2,550
Intangible assets, net 6 97 95
Financial instruments 17 294 69
Deferred income tax 31 546 545
Guarantee deposits 270 4,703 4,704
Other assets 3 59 58
Total non-current assets 453 7,887 8,020
Total assets 954 16,604 15,261
Unearned transportation revenues 147 2,558 1,957
Accounts payable 41 714 795
Accrued liabilities 104 1,802 1,471
Other taxes and fees payable 85 1,473 1,107
Income taxes payable 16 281 338
Financial instruments 3 45 44
Financial debt 49 845 1,371
Other liabilities 1 22 19
Total short-term liabilities 445 7,739 7,103
Financial instruments - 2 11
Financial debt 15 256 220
Accrued liabilities 9 158 157
Other liabilities 3 61 49
Employee benefits 1 11 10
Deferred income taxes 51 894 885
Total long-term liabilities 79 1,381 1,333
Total liabilities 524 9,120 8,436
Capital stock 171 2,974 2,974
Treasury shares (5) (91) (91)
Contributions for future capital increases - - -
Legal reserve 2 38 38
Additional paid-in capital 103 1,792 1,791
Retained earnings 173 3,010 2,408
Accumulated other comprehensive losses (14) (238) (295)
Total equity 430 7,484 6,825
Total liabilities and equity 954 16,604 15,261
Total shares outstanding fully diluted 1,011,876,677 1,011,876,677
*Peso amounts were converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of Ps.17.4015 for convenience purposes only

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows - Cash Flow Data Summary

Unaudited (In millions of Mexican pesos)

Three months
ended March 31,
(US Dollars)*

Three months
ended March 31,

Three months
ended March
31, 2015

Net cash flow provided by operating activities 76 1,329 949
Net cash flow provided by (used in) investing activities 25 435 (51)
Net cash flow used in financing activities (32) (549) (37)
Increase in cash and cash equivalents 70 1,216 862
Net foreign exchange differences - (7) 29
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 296 5,157 2,265
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 366 6,366 3,156
*Peso amounts were converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of Ps.17.4015 for convenience purposes only