
Notification of extension of the tender deadline for the project "Modernization

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Notification of extension of the tender deadline for the project "Modernization and management of the Urgench International Airport according to the PPP model"

JSC Uzbekistan Airports, together with the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, represented by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, inform about the extension of the deadline for the Request for Qualification stage of tender announced on August 1, 2024 for the public-private partnership (PPP) project for the modernization and management of Urgench International Airport due to numerous requests from potential participants.

In connection with the above, please take into account the following renewed deadlines:

- The deadline for submitting a Request for Clarification is October 1, 2024, 18:00 Tashkent time;

- The deadline for submitting an application for a Request for Qualification is November 1, 2024, 18:00 Tashkent time

This press release was sourced from Uzbekistan Airports on 10-Sep-2024.