
Haptic: Istanbul Grand Airport

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10-Apr-2014 Haptic, in collaboration with Grimshaw, Nordic Office of Architecture and Arup is developing the 8,000 hectare Istanbul Grand Airport masterplan and terminals in Turkey. Located on the Black Sea coast, some 35km out­side of Is­tan­bul, the am­bi­tious six-run­way de­vel­op­ment will be de­liv­ered in four phases.

The first phase will open in 2019 and aims to serve 90 mil­lion pas­sen­gers per year. This will in­crease to over 150 mil­lion pas­sen­gers per year when the last phase is com­pleted. The new Is­tan­bul Air­port will be the world's largest air­port ter­mi­nal, with a gross floor area close to one mil­lion square me­tres for the first ter­mi­nal.