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Applications open for regional aviation grants

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Applications open for regional aviation grants

The $298 million of support announced for Australia's regional airline network is a step closer to flowing through the industry with applications opening and guidelines released for two new major initiatives to protect the sector during COVID-19.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the grants offer vital support to regional communities which rely on air services for urgent transport, medical supplies and personnel.

"The Federal Government has been focused on securing a regional aviation network during the pandemic so residents can access their capital cities for essential services and medical freight supplies," Mr McCormack said.

"We have opened the application process as quickly as possible to ensure our aviation industry is able to access the support it needs to operate these crucial services.

"This funding will ensure a basic level of air connectivity is maintained to regional locations during this crisis, by funding operators for one service per week on each route for an initial period of up to six weeks."

Mr McCormack said there were as many as 138 regional locations serviced by regional services which could benefit from the Government's initiative.

"We are also providing direct financial support to smaller regional airlines, ensuring they remain viable in this unprecedented downturn in aviation activity," he said.

All airlines, contracted aero-medical providers and other essential industry service providers are encouraged to review the guidelines as they may be eligible for assistance on a month-by-month basis through to 30 September 2020.

In recent weeks the Federal Government has committed more than $1 billion to the aviation sector in response to the pandemic and will continue to support regional aviation businesses and workers during this difficult time.

This press release was sourced from Australia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack on 05-Apr-2020.