
AOA: Agreement needed to secure air traffic services post-Brexit

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11-Oct-2017 During today's [11 October 2017] evidence session with the Treasure Select Committee, the Chancellor said that "it is theoretically conceivable that in a no deal scenario there will be no air traffic moving between the UK and the European Union on 29 March 2019. But I don't think anybody seriously believes that that is where we will get to."

Responding to his comments, Chief Executive of the AOA, Karen Dee said:

"It is welcome to hear the Chancellor recognise the importance of getting a deal with the EU on aviation. International aviation connectivity will be the foundation upon which a truly global Britain is built, enabling the UK's trade in goods and services as well as supporting tourism.

"The Chancellor is right that we will need a new legal framework the day after Brexit to ensure continuity of air services. With airlines putting tickets on sale up to 18 months in advance of the date of travel, it is vital that a transition deal is agreed as soon as possible to give consumers and businesses the confidence their future travel will be uninterrupted.

"The AOA believes this is well understood on both sides of the negotiations. Airports stand ready to facilitate our future connectivity and look forward to working with the UK Government and our European partners to secure a deal that works for everyone."