
CAPA New Zealand Corporate Travel Summit

Auckland, New Zealand
17 Oct 2018

Thursday 18 October 2018

08:00 Registration, Coffee & Networking 
09:00 Chairperson's Welcome & Opening Remarks Festive Road, Principal, Mike Orchard
09:05 A new age in aviation: drones and autonomous flying vehicles
Airways New Zealand,
Chief Executive Officer, Graeme Sumner [Download Presentation]
09:25 Executive Panel: Maintaining and upgrading New Zealand’s airport and tourism facilities: getting the funding model right
New Zealand’s airports and public tourism facilities are in urgent need of an upgrade. Rapid growth has impacted on the costs and availability of publicly provided infrastructure.  To fund this growth, the Government is proposing a levy on foreign visitors, with the notable exception of citizens from Australia and the Pacific Islands. In addition, some tourism outlets are trialling a tiered pricing system whereby foreign visitors are charged more than local visitors, in part to overcome the growing gap between the revenue earned and the cost of maintaining these facilities.

Meanwhile, Auckland Airport is building a second runway to service the anticipated doubling of traffic over the next 20-30 years from the current 19 million passengers and has plans to merge its domestic and international terminals. The airport is funding these infrastructure upgrades in the form of increased passenger charges from 2021. Wellington Airport is also undertaking a few infrastructure upgrades, including major upgrades to its main terminal, a new multi story carpark and a new airport hotel. Not surprisingly, airline lobby groups have criticised what they deem as monopoly airport pricing and fail to see a justification for excessive returns on infrastructure when compare to other similar international airports.
  • What’s the best model for easing the cost burden on infrastructure growth and maintenance?
  • Can infrastructure upgrade costs be justified by the projected increase in passenger traffic and the forecast value that increased visitation would bring to the national economy?
  • Balancing the very real need to improve the airport passenger experience with appropriate pricing signals. To what extent should consumers and airlines wear the cost of airport upgrades?
  • Are government policy settings on air access and infrastructure achieving the best outcomes?
Moderator: IQ Aviation, Director, Irene King
  • Air New Zealand, Group General Manager - Airports, Roger Gray
  • Auckland Airport, General Manager Aeronautical Commercial, Scott Tasker
  • BARNZ, Executive Director, Justin Tighe-Umbers
  • New Zealand Airports Association, Chief Executive, Kevin Ward
10:10 Coffee Break & Networking
10:40 Fireside and Q&A
Secretary General/CEO, George Faktaufon
11:05 Panel: Asia, the US and the long haul market – what does the future hold?
  • How are the key New Zealand-Asia and New Zealand-US routes and outbound markets performing?
  • How are key New Zealand-Asia routes and outbound markets performing?
  • What are the key source markets for international growth?
  • Is New Zealand well positioned as a mono destination to attract key inbound markets?
  • How have immunised JVs transformed the Asia long haul market? Has this benefited or impeded growth and competition?
  • Could the promise of improved route economics from new generation aircraft see the launch of more long, thin routes?
  • Which Asian LCCs are poised to ‘go long-haul’ and target New Zealand?
Moderator: CAPA - Centre for Aviation, Executive Chairman, Peter Harbison
  • Hawaiian Airlines, Country Director - New Zealand, Russell Williss
  • Hong Kong Airlines, General Manager - New Zealand, Daniel Yuen
  • Sichuan Airlines, General Manager, JC Zhi


Executive Panel: Has the travel industry kept apace with the changing expectations of the modern digital traveller?
  • What do travellers want? How the digital economy is creating a new set of traveller expectations centred on mobility, seamlessness and personalisation
  • How do you create digital trust when the sharing model (and data sharing) is critical for the successful functioning and growth of a digitalised travel industry? What tangible benefits needs to be made to the traveller to encourage them to share personal information in the first instance?
  • Unlocking the true potential of disruptive technology such as blockchain: just how is it going to usurp the existing value travel distribution chain?
  • Digital and virtual payments - how are these new payment solutions enabling travel mobility and at what cost?
Moderator: The Association of Travel Management Companies, Chairman, Grant Bevin
  • Air New Zealand, General Manager User Experience, Che Tamahori
  • Auckland Airport, General Manager Marketing & Technology, Jason Delamore
  • Serko, Chief Executive Officer, Darrin Grafton
12:35 Closing remarks from Chairperson
12:40 Lunch Break & Networking
13:40 Summit Ends