
Philippine Airlines joins Garuda in plotting ambitious European expansion despite stiff competition


Philippine Airlines (PAL) is preparing an ambitious expansion to Europe made possible after the carrier was recently removed from the EU's list of banned airlines. PAL plans to launch non-stop services to Europe within the next few months and serve up to five Western European destinations in the near to medium term.

But PAL faces huge challenges in trying to carve out a sustainable niche in the Southeast Asia-Europe market. PAL and another Southeast Asian flag carrier, Garuda Indonesia, are both entering the market just as competition intensifies and while the European economy remains relatively weak.

PAL and Garuda will need to overcome three much larger Southeast Asian flag carriers which are well established in the European market along with two smaller ASEAN competitors. European and Gulf carriers also continue to expand in the Europe-Southeast Asia market, making it even tougher for a new entrant.

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