
Outlook 2023: Asia-Pacific airlines return to growth: part two – Northeast Asia, Australasia & India


Asia-Pacific airlines will be looking to 2023 as the year that their recovery from the COVID pandemic period really starts to gain momentum.

A lot of heavy lifting has been done in the past three years to adjust to the new market environment, and the removal of onerous travel restrictions in most of the region's markets in 2022 has also laid the groundwork for sustained recovery.

Now the focus will shift to making that pay off in terms of network and financial growth.

Airlines have used the restructuring process to phase out some of their less efficient or older types, and some are now considering how to rebuild their fleets with newer aircraft.

Domestic recovery has been strong in the Asia-Pacific region, but its international capacity rebound has lagged other global regions. However, starting from a lower base means the rate of increase has been higher for Asia-Pacific airlines.

Part two of this analysis discusses dynamics to watch in the Northeast Asia, Australasia and India markets in 2023.

Part one examined some data points for the broader region, as well as identifying important themes in the Southeast Asia subregion and in China.

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