Schiphol Group EBITDA up 4% in 2012
Netherlands' Schiphol Group revenue up 6% - financial highlights for 2012:
- Revenue: EUR1353 million, +5.8% year-on-year;
- Airport charges: EUR788 million, +5.8%;
- Concessions: EUR136 million, +7.6%;
- Rents and leases: EUR151 million, +4.2%;
- Parking fees: EUR96 million, +4.7%;
- Retail sales: EUR87 million, +10.8%;
- EBITDA: EUR534 million, +4.4%;
- Operating profit: EUR296 million, -2.5%;
- Aviation: EUR63 million, +29.3%;
- Net profit: EUR199 million, +2.6%;
- Passenger numbers: 51.0 million, +2.6%;
- Cargo volume: 1.5 million tonnes, -2.6%;
- Aircraft movements: 423,407, +0.8%;
- Total assets: EUR5788 million, +0.9%;
- Cash and cash equivalents: EUR445.1 million, +7.7%;
- Total liabilities: EUR2586 million, +1.0%. [more - original PR]
Schiphol Group: "The heart of our Mainport - the network of connections - was further strengthened, while Schiphol also welcomed a record number of passengers. In uncertain times, Schiphol wishes to remain an economic driving force for the Netherlands. That is why I am content with the solid result over 2012. Approximately half of that result will go to our shareholders and the other half enables us to invest in our Mainport. The latter is necessary to keep the capacity and quality up to standard in order to continue optimal service to passengers and airlines in the future. This year we will start the first phase of our Master Plan: the transition to central security at the entire airport. In the longer term, this guarantees a comfortable journey and an efficient travel process," Jos Nijhuis, president and CEO. Source: Company statement, 15-Feb-2013.