22-Aug-2012 9:52 AM
Peach announces 2012/13 winter domestic schedules
Peach announced (21-Aug-2012) it has submitted its 2012/13 winter domestic schedules to Japan MLIT for approval. Reservation for the winter schedules will open on 22-Aug-2012. Details are as follows:
- Osaka Kansai-Sapporo: Four times daily, increasing to five times daily from 15-Dec-2012;
- Osaka Kansai-Fukuoka: Three times daily, increasing to four times daily from 14-Feb-2013;
- Osaka Kansai-Nagasaki: Twice weekly;
- Osaka Kansai-Kagoshima: Twice daily, increasing to three times daily from 15-Dec-2012;
- Osaka Kansai-Okinawa: Commencing on 18-Oct-2012 with twice daily frequency, increasing to three times daily from 01-Feb-2013. [more - original PR - Japanese]
As previously reported, Peach has opened (01-Aug-2012) reservations for its international services for the 2012/13 winter schedules from 28-Oct-2012 to 30-Mar-2012. Details are as follows:
- Osaka Kansai-Seoul Incheon: Three times daily frequency with fares between JPY5280 (USD66) and JPY23,980 (USD299.75);
- Osaka Kansai-Hong Kong: Daily frequency with fares from JPY8880 (USD111) to JPY33,880 (USD423.5);
- Osaka Kansai-Taipei Taoyuan: Daily frequency from 16-Oct-2012 and increasing to twice daily from 15-Dec-2012 with fares from JPY7080 (USD88.5) to JPY28,880 (USD361).
The carrier is reporting average load factors of between 70%-80% and is expecting to maintain average load factors of at least 70% following the service expansion.