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2-Jul-2020 7:42 AM

Norwegian Govt to open Schengen zone/EEA travel from 15-Jul-2020

Norway's Government announced (25-Jun-2020) plans to allow Schengen area/EEA residents to enter the country from 15-Jul-2020, provided that they live in a country or region where the level of coronavirus infection is acceptable. From the same date, quarantine will also no longer be required on entry from these countries and regions. Entry to Norway will be permitted for travellers who can produce a booking or a written agreement that documents that they will be staying at a registered address in Norway for the first 10 days of their stay, or for the entire period of their stay in Norway if this is shorter than 10 days. If there is an increase in the spread of infection where a country no longer meets the criteria, the requirement to go into quarantine after entering Norway may be reintroduced. As previously reported by CAPA, the European Commission recommended EU States to reopen Schengen borders from 15-Jun-2020. [more - original PR]

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