16-Aug-2016 9:46 AM

Nok Air losses deteriorate in 2Q2016

Nok Air revenue down 7% - financial highlights:

  • Three months ended 30-Jun-2016:
    • Revenue: THB2971 million (USD84.2 million), -6.8% year-on-year;
    • Costs: THB3675 million (USD104.2 million), +13.5%;
    • Profit (loss) before tax: (THB705 million) (USD20.0 million), compared to a loss of THB51 million (USD1.5 million) in p-c-p;
    • Net profit (loss): (THB705 million) (USD51 million), compared to a loss of THB51 million (USD1.5 million) in p-c-p;
    • Passenger numbers: 2.1 million, -3.1%;
    • Passenger load factor: 84.0%, +1.4 ppts;
    • Passenger yield: THB2.13 (USD 6.0 cents), -8.9%;
    • Revenue per ASK: THB1.95 (USD 5.5 cents), -7.2%;
    • Cost per ASK: THB2.43 (USD 6.9 cents);
    • Cost per ASK excl fuel: THB2.00 (USD 5.7 cents), +20.2%;
  • Six months ended 30-Jun-2016:
    • Revenue: THB6352 million (USD179.2 million), -4.3%;
    • Costs: THB7436 million (USD209.7 million), +12.1%;
    • Profit (loss) before tax: THB1084 million (USD30.6 million), compared to a profit of THB4.2 million (USD0.1 million) in p-c-p;
    • Net profit (loss): (THB1085 million) (USD30.6 million), compared to a profit of THB4.3 million (USD0.1 million) in p-c-p;
    • Passenger numbers: 4.1 million, -6.9%;
    • Passenger load factor: 86.6%, +3.4 ppts;
    • Passenger yield: THB2.23 (USD 6.3 cents), -6.0%;
    • Revenue per ASK: THB2.11 (USD 6.0 cents), -2.6%;
    • Cost per ASK: THB2.50 (USD 7.1 cents0, +14.0%;
    • Cost per ASK excl fuel: THB2.08 (USD 5.9 cents), +28.4%;
    • Total assets: THB5955 million (USD168.0 million);
    • Cash and cash equivalents: THB3154 million (USD89.0 million);
    • Total liabilities: THB4343 million (USD122.5 million).
    • Total liabilities: THB257,923 million (USD7275 million). [more - original PR]

*Based on the average conversion rate at THB1 = USD0.028359 for 2Q2016
*Based on the average conversion rate at THB1 = USD0.028206 for 1H2016
*Based on the average conversion rate at THB1 = USD0.030083 for 2Q2015
*Based on the average conversion rate at THB1 = USD0.030355 for 1H2015

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