Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport details USD2.4 billion expansion plan
USA's Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport could reportedly expand its operations with 28 new gates and a new hotel by 2020, if Delta Air Lines enacts plans, as previously stipulated, to expand its presence at the hub, as part of its 2008 merger with Northwest Airlines (airportbusiness, 31-Mar-2010). In Apr-2010, Metropolitan Airports Commission will vote to send for review by the Metropolitan Council a new, "corrected" long-range plan that calls for USD2.4 billion in expansion at the airport. The expansion will be funded through airport revenue bonds backed by passenger facility charges, parking revenues, gate and retail leases, concessions, landing fees and other sources, in addition to Federal funds from grants from the Airport Improvement Programme. The major assumption behind the 20-year planning guide is that Delta Air Lines will not only maintain the hub it acquired when it integrated with Northwest Airlines, but will also expand its presence at the airport.