Mesa Air 2Q2009 revenue down 34.3%
Mesa Air Group revenue down 34.3% - financial highlights:
- Three months ended 30-Jun-2009:
- Total operating revenue: USD232.6 million, -34.3% year-on-year;
- Total operating costs: USD228.4 million, -36.0%;
- Flight operations: USD81.0 million, -10.5%;
- Fuel: USD51.4 million, -65.5%;
- Operating profit: USD4.2 million, compared to a loss of USD3.2 million in the previous corresponding period;
- Net profit (loss): (USD2.7 million), compared to a loss of USD3.8 million in the previous corresponding period;
- Passenger numbers: 3.3 million, -5.2%;
- Load factor: 79.8%, +2.8 ppts;
- Yield per RPM: USD 16.1 cents, -28.8%;
- Revenue per ASM: USD 12.8 cents, -26.4%;
- Cost per ASM: USD 12.6 cents, -28.4%;
- Six months ended 30-Jun-2009:
- Total operating revenue: USD730.7 million, -27.0%;
- Total operating costs: USD714.8 million, -26.8%;
- Flight operations: USD251.3 million, -8.1%;
- Fuel: USD180.3 million, -53.0%;
- Operating profit: USD15.9 million, -35.2%;
- Net profit (loss): (USD24.2 million), compared to a profit of USD1.5 million in the previous corresponding period;
- Passenger numbers: 9.4 million, -9.3%;
- Load factor: 76.4%, +2.4 ppts;
- Yield per RPM: USD18.2 cents, -17.3%;
- Revenue per ASM: USD 13.9 cents, -14.7%;
- Cost per ASM: USD 13.6 cents, -14.5%.
Mesa: "While we continue to face significant challenges in the upcoming quarters, we continue to strive to serve the needs of our partners while providing excellent customer service to our passengers," Jonathan Ornstein, Chairman and CEO. Source: Mesa, 10-Aug-2009.