27-Jun-2014 12:03 AM
Hokkaido Air System back in the black in FY2013
Hokkaido Air System revenue up 21% - financial highlights for 12 months ended 31-Mar-2014:
- Revenue: JPY2501 million, +21.0% year-on-year;
- Costs: JPY2466 million, +3.9%;
- Operating profit: JPY35 million, compared to a loss of JPY305 million in p-c-p;
- Net profit: JPY138 million, compared to a loss of JPY296 million in p-c-p;
- Passenger numbers: 172,657, +22.9%;
- Load factor: 58.7%, +9.2 ppts;
- Total assets: JPY811 million;
- Total liabilities: JPY789 million. [more - original PR - Japanese]