27-Jan-2020 11:04 PM
French Govt launches SAF production roadmap out to 2050
France's Ministry for Ecological Transition launched (27-Jan-2020) a roadmap for the development of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) in the French air transport sector. The roadmap builds on the 'Green Growth Engagement' (ECV) initiative launched in 2017 by the government alongside Air France, Airbus, Safran, Total and Suez Environnement. It forecasts a short term trajectory in terms of fossil fuel substitution with SAFs of 2% by 2025, 5% by 2030 and 50% by 2050. The Ministry stated: "The deployment of sustainable aviation biofuels is one of the priorities of the government, which will continue to work in this direction, in close cooperation with all the industrial actors concerned". [more - original PR - French]