31-Jul-2017 2:53 PM

American Airlines Group reports profit declines in 2Q2017

American Airlines Group reported (28-Jul-2017) the following financial highlights:

  • Three months ended 30-Jun-2017:
    • Total operating revenue: USD11,105 million, +7.2% year-on-year;
      • Mainline passenger: USD7747 million, +7.5%;
      • Regional passenger: USD1835 million, +2.8%;
      • Cargo: USD196 million, +13.1%;
    • Total operating costs: USD9570 million, +11.1%;
      • Labour: USD3003 million, +12.5%;
      • Fuel: USD1510 million, +14.9%;
    • Operating profit: USD1535 million, -12.3%;
    • Net profit: USD803 million, -15.5%;
    • Passengers: 51.8 million, -0.3%;
    • Passenger load factor: 83.0%, +0.5ppt;
    • Yield: USD 16.09 cents, +4.3%;
    • Passenger revenue per ASM: USD 13.36 cents,
    • Total revenue per ASM: USD 15.48 cents, +5.7%;
    • Cargo yield: USD 27.98 cents, -1.7%;
    • Operating cost per ASM: USD 13.34 cents, +9.6%;
    • Cost per ASM excl fuel and special items: USD 10.49 cents, +6.8%;
  • Six months ended 30-Jun-2017:
    • Total operating revenue: USD20,729 million, +4.7%;
      • Mainline passenger: USD14,353 million, +4.2%;
      • Regional passenger: USD3384 million, +2.35;
      • Cargo: USD368 million, +9.8%;
    • Total operating costs: USD18,593 million, +11.3%;
      • Labour: USD5829 million, +9.5%;
      • Fuel: USD2912 million, +24.2%;
    • Operating profit: USD2136 million, -30.8%;
    • Net profit: USD1037 million, -37.2%;
    • Passengers: 98.2 million, -0.7%;
    • Passenger load factor: 81.2%, +0.1ppt;
    • Yield: USD 16.04 cents, +3.4%;
    • Passenger revenue per ASM: USD 13.03 cents, +3.6%;
    • Total revenue per ASM: USD 15.23 cents, +4.5%;
    • Cargo yield: USD 27.88 cents, -4.1%;
    • Operating cost per ASM: USD 13.66 cents, +11.0%;
    • Cost per ASM excl fuel and special items: USD 10.81 cents, +7.1%;
    • Total assets: USD53,336 million;
    • Cash: USD6500 million;
    • Total liabilities: USD49,621 million. [more - original PR]

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