20-Sep-2017 11:26 PM
IATA and IAC expand collaboration
IATA and Russia's Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) signed (20-Sep-2017) the third addendum to the agreement signed on 05-Dec-1994. IATA and IAC agreed to extend their collaboration to comprise the following key aspects:
- Assistance on multi-constellation GNSS implementation and PBN;
- Support of ICAO runway safety programme;
- Annual updates on aircraft deicing;
- Arrangement of joint seminars on the effect of the human factor;
- Cooperation in monitoring of safety levels;
- Assistance to carriers in training of aviation experts;
- Expansion of cooperation in the introduction of IATA/IOSA standards;
- Development of joint measures on participation of member countries in the intergovernmental agreement on the CORSIA system. [more - original PR - Russian]