
Winter 2019 Marketing Campaign

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Tasmania has a different way of doing things in winter. Other parts of Australia might endure winter while Tasmania thrives, embracing the season like nowhere else.

We have an island culture that pushes boundaries with our unconventional winter events, our raw and wild landscapes and our celebration of winter, embracing all things warm, cosy, and real.

Our events over this period have high talkability and appeal - they are edgy and unconventional and provide a strong reason to visit.

The Tasmanian community increasingly revels in the season and are 'out and about', seeking to be enriched, alive and connected, and we are inviting visitors to come and experience this for themselves.

Our latest campaign will build on the success of previous campaigns to continue to position Tasmania as a unique and desirable winter destination and to stimulate demand for winter holiday bookings.

The marketing program of activity includes advertising through print, digital and out of home media; content partnerships with a number of leading publishers; and partnerships with commercial travel sellers and airlines.

It includes collaborative marketing partnerships with Tasmania's annual winter events including Dark Mofo, Festival of Voices, Huon Valley Mid-Winter Festival and Tasmanian Whisky Week.

A program of public relations, social media initiatives and media visits will also be delivered to generate stories and social media conversations about Tasmania and winter campaign messages will be seeded through our brand partners' marketing programs.

Target segments
The campaign activity will target Tourism Tasmania's key segments in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane as well as regional Victoria, NSW and South East Queensland.

Campaign activity will drive visitation to the campaign microsite, www.discovertasmania/winter to strengthen engagement, highlight experiences and events and encourage conversion with partner deals through Expedia.

This press release was sourced from Tourism Tasmania on 06-May-2019.