
Update on Amendments to FY 2018 Appropriations Package on House Floor

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06-Sep-2017 Today the full House of Representatives will begin considering H.R. 3354, the Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act, which contains eight appropriations bills for fiscal year 2018 and is affectionately known as the "octobus." Over 1,000 amendments were filed. However, House leadership will only permit a limited number of amendments to be considered for debate under a "structured rule."

Yesterday, the House Rules Committee met to begin determining which amendments could be offered on the House floor. The Rules Committee reviewed four of the appropriations titles, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Departments of Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD). Of the 220 amendments proposed for these two appropriations titles, the Rules Committee permitted consideration of 29 DHS-related amendments and 40 THUD-related amendments. The Rules Committee will consider amendments for the remaining four titles today.


Essential Air Service: The House is expected to consider an amendment from Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) that would eliminate the proposed $150 million in appropriated funds for the Essential Air Service program. If enacted into law, the proposal would limit EAS funding to revenue generated from overflight fees, which is expected to be slightly more than $119 million in FY18.

Small Community Air Service: Rep. Rick Nolan (D-MN) has an amendment that would appropriate $10 million for the Small Community Air Service Development Program - the current funding level and the same amount included in the Senate version of the bill. The underlying House bill includes no funding for program.


TSA Research & Development: Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) has an amendment that would increase TSA research and development funds by $10 million to conduct airport perimeter security technology demonstrations.

Federal Air Marshals: The House is also expected to vote on an amendment from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) that would prohibit funding to limit increased use of Federal air marshals on inbound international flights considered to be of high risk by the Department.

Amendments Rejected by Rules Committee: Unfortunately the DHS approved amendments did not include an amendment offered by Rep. Val Demings (D-FL) and others to restore $45 million to TSA's law enforcement officer (LEO) reimbursement program, an amendment offered by Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) to restore $43 million for TSA's Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams, or an amendment offered by Rep. David Price (D-NC) totaling $543 million to fund 510 additional Customs and Border Protection Officers.

What's Next?

We anticipate the House will complete consideration of the "octobus" appropriation bill by the end of the week. At that point, these eight titles will be merged with the previously approved national security minibus and an omnibus containing all 12 appropriations measures will be sent to the Senate for consideration. It is highly unlikely the Senate would take up this House-passed omnibus in September because spending levels and conservative policy language contained in the bill won't garner the Democratic votes needed to move it forward in the Senate. Instead, the Senate will focus on completing a continuing resolution to fund the Federal government until mid-to-late December.