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Jul-2020 The Aviation Safety Round Table Initiative (ART) welcomes the recent decision of the Federa

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Jul-2020 The Aviation Safety Round Table Initiative (ART) welcomes the recent decision of the Federal Government to concession some of the airports.

We do not need to remind industry stakeholders of the challenges facing our airports in management and funding which could be best ameliorated by a well packaged concession programme.

Desirable as the steps are, the Aviation Round Table is cautiously optimistic that the process will be transparently done, due process and the rule of law would be observed by the government in addressing the interests of all stakeholders in the industry to ensure industrial peace and harmony.

The series of unresolved litigations and acrimony from concessions made in recent past have compromised the atmosphere of trust and confidence desirable in the industry.

ART therefore urges all involved in the concession process to exercise due diligence in order to reach a conclusion in the best interest of the nation.

This press release was sourced from Aviation Safety Round Table Initiative on 06-Jul-2020.