
EU policymakers and member states must do whatever it takes to deliver a compet

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EU policymakers and member states must do whatever it takes to deliver a competitive European airline sector

Airlines for Europe (A4E) is calling on the European Commission, the European Parliament and member states to be bold and ensure the aviation recommendations in the report on The future of European competitiveness by Mario Draghi are implemented without delay.

There has been much anticipation for the report written by the man credited with saving the euro. It is critical that the EU's institutions and member states follow through and implement the recommendations rather than let this become yet another report gathering dust in the Berlaymont archives.

Recognising the importance of air transport for driving Europe's economic prosperity, A4E supports the Draghi recommendations for Europe's aviation industry to ensure this continues, namely:

Supporting the green transition and stimulating the supply of low carbon fuels
Unlocking investment in decarbonising aviation
Reforming Europe's inefficient Airspace
Addressing so-called asymmetric decarbonisation and business leakage
In particular, the report confirms that air transport is a hard to decarbonise sector which has a critical need for low carbon fuels, recognising that the cost of energy is a significant driver of the competitiveness gap that is emerging between Europe and the rest of the world.

Reacting the release of the report, Ourania Georgoutsakou, Managing Director of Airlines for Europe said:

"The next Commission must be bold and implement policies that will address the aviation issues in the Draghi report: support low carbon fuels, tackle business leakage and complete our single market. The EU excels in producing reports but that alone will not ensure Europe remains a global industrial and economic powerhouse. With this new mandate Europe now needs to excel in implementing policies that keep us competitive."

"Many people dubbed Mario Draghi Super Mario for saving the euro. This time he has been asked help save Europe's industrial future and competitiveness. European policymakers and national governments must embrace the report recommendations and do whatever it takes to level-up Europe's prosperity for generations to come," she continued.

This press release was sourced from Airlines for Europe on 09-Sep-2024.