
Denver International Airport Had Its Busiest Month in Denver Aviation History in July

Direct News Source

12-Sep-2017 Denver International Airport (DEN) not only had its busiest July in the airport's history, but also the airport's busiest month in Denver aviation history. The airport served more than 5.8 million passengers, marking the 23rd-consecutive month of record-setting passenger traffic.

"Denver International Airport continued to experience record passenger numbers as part of the busy summer travel season," airport CEO Kim Day said. "While Southwest had a notable 10 percent increase in passengers, every major airline contributed to the overall passenger increase, including our international carriers who helped us reach a 10 percent increase in international passengers over July 2016."

A total of 5,839,661 passengers traveled through DEN in July 2017, an increase of nearly 6.7 percent over the 5,474,503 passengers in July 2016. International passenger traffic saw an even larger increase with a total of 234,537 international passengers in July 2017 compared to 212,229 the prior year.

Mail, freight and express cargo operations increased 1.9 percent in July, with 44,975,402 pounds, compared to 44,115,862 pounds of cargo in July 2016.