
A4A Statement on Administration Efforts to Bolster Travel and Tourism

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22-May-2014 Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, issued the following statement in response to President Obama's travel and tourism expansion initiatives:

Airlines for America (A4A) commends President Obama on today's announced travel and tourism expansion initiatives to bolster tourism, which is America's most important and largest services export. With commercial aviation driving more than $1 trillion per year in economic activity, a cohesive National Airline Policy is critical to support the integral role that airlines play in the U.S. economy, and that should include a national goal for making travel to the U.S. more accessible by reducing Customs and Border Protection (CBP) wait times. Airlines are paying for and installing Automated Passenger Control kiosks at key hub locations, which have significantly reduced processing times. Airlines will work cooperatively with CBP this summer travel season to identify and mitigate any challenges that may arise on an airport-by-airport basis, and we look forward to working with the Administration on our shared goal of growing and improving U.S. air travel.